Sunday, November 13, 2011

Last Post for ARW of fall term

ARW of this term was too fast as compared to that of Spring term and it was hard to make balance between ARW and other activity like ICU festival or other subjects. At the same time, ARW gave me a good opportunity to write up the long essay and even taught me how to manage myself in this busy schedule. Plus, after finishing tons of reading homework you assigned to us, though I sometimes did not finished it, especially in Race section, I become able to get the main point of articles without understanding all of it.

Thank you for everything you did to me, Mark!!! I find so many rooms for improvements in my essay even now, but your tutorial and advice in class always gave me a new perspective. Making use of what I learned from you, I will put my best into improving English skill in winter term, too!

reaction to Diamond

Race Without Color by Jared Diamond deals with classification of humans beings by color. He points out Human beings tends to judge others by appearance and this is a common sense of view of race not based on science. Although he introduces us other ways of classification of humans by like genes resistant to malaria or the shapes of fingerprints, those classifications are also vague. In the conclusion, in today's world when there is much diversity in appearance, it is unnecessary to continue to make snap judgement.

At first I am surprised at how changeable classification of humans is. For example, If we judge race by the ability to digest lactase, some Europeans and black Africans are categorized into the same group of race ,though they are totally different in appearance. At the same time, this fact make me realize how difficult it is to categorize humans even if we use science. I learned that just because judging people by appearance is said to be an unfavorable thing does not necessarily mean we should judge race by science.

Reaction to Gould

The Geometer of race written by jay Gould deals with how to classify human being into a well-organized order. In 17th century when Linnaeus classified humans into four category by geographical distance, Blumenbach made use of that classification and put one new race, the Malay on it. Although most scientists missed this minor change, Gould regards the change as  a theoretical change because it changes a mere geographical human order into a hierarchical human order based on beauty.

In page 8, Gould says that Blumenbach were discussing an objective property, not subject to doubt or disagreement, but ,in my opinion, this classification of humans based on how beautiful they are is rather subjective. This is just because beauty varies from person to person. Just as large part of text of the World History in Japan accounts for the history of Europe or America because people in those areas are relatively winners in history and are able to choose events that are deeply related to them and exclude the unfit events, how beautiful Caucasian is deeply influenced by social background at that time.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Final essay

Tomo Shoji
Prof, Christianson
1 Nov. 2011

Why do Jews Continue to be Discriminated Against in European Countries?
Fig. 1. Auschwitz where Holocaust happen. That is one of the most horrible event cause in history caused by discrimination against Jews. From Sanpo .com., 2008; Web; 25 Oct. 2011.
 6000000. 25000. What do these numbers mean? The former is the number of people who were killed by Germany during the world war . This is known as Holocaust. The latter is related to Pogrom, or another of the discrimination. This shows how horrible and cruel the discrimination against Jews was in the history. Even today, the discrimination against Jews still exists in Europe. According to The Times published on 3  December, 2003, “there were still anti-Jewish attacks in Britain, Belgium, France, Sweden, and Germany.” As an example of that attack, the Time reported that in Britain there is a sharp rise in incidents in 2002, in which there were 51 attacks and 20 life-threatening assaults against Jews(Beestone). Also, an JLP student, who is a exchange student at International Christian University said in the JLP and ELP session class the Israel and Palestine conflict makes European people feel hostile toward Jews. In addition, Alancowell reported in the New York Times that Israel helps to grow a biased picture of racism and religious discrimination in Europe and most serious upsurge of discrimination are against Jews(Cowell, Alan). Considering these things, it is safe to say that anti-Semitism has not disappeared yet.
  The history of discrimination against Jews is divided into four stages
 (Hamashimashotenhennshuuubu 208). The first stage is that after the fall of the Kingdom of Israel and Judah, Jews were controlled by the Roman Empire and also their capital or Jerusalem was destroyed. Then, Jews lost their own nation and had no choice but to start to live in different lands separately. This is called Diaspora. In the third stage, on the other hand, Jews were liberated from discrimination and some of them acquired the same right as other European people. Finally, the tendency toward anti-Jews has suddenly risen. As a result of that, there happened horrible discrimination like Holocaust. Although some experts like Prager and Telushkin insist that the main reason is Jews’ religion and it is wrong to think about fundamental reasons are influenced economical, social, and political background, in my opinion, the reasons for discrimination against Jews can be related to the concept of scapegoat, economical, and religious background and even European people’s yearning for the unity of Europe.
Ⅰ The definition of Jews
 First of all, before looking at the reasons, what are Jews all about? According to Tatsuru Uchida, there are three main characteristics of Jewish people(24-26,28-29). First, Jews are not the name of a certain nation like British or Japanese. Different Jews have different nationality, lifestyle, and language. Even in Israel, there are two different unique languages depending on which group they belong to. Second, Jews are not the name of races. Thai is to say, they do not have the same some biological characteristics. Nevertheless, he says that people have had some fixed images on Jews. Hooked nose, black hair, or dark flesh is an example of those images. It is safe to say that such mental images have led to intercultural misunderstandings. Third, Jews are not always those who believe in Judaism. Although, before modern times, all Jews were automatically considered to be Judaism believers, after citizen’s revolution, there were some Jews who converted from Judaism to Christianity.
Next, the next three causes are relatively accepted theory about causes for discrimination against Jews.

Ⅱ Scapegoat
First, Jews have been regarded as something alien. In other words, European people have discriminated against Jews because they put Jewish people on the burden of responsibility. One example of this is that Jews have been thought as a scapegoat throughout history. Scapegoat is those who are blamed for various social problems even though they are not responsible for such problems. In Europe, in the14th century when Black Death spread and wiped out one third of Europe’s population, Jews were blamed for this plague. In Germany, before the 2nd World War, Hitler put the burden of responsibility for economic crisis on Jews even though those crises were caused by the world crisis in 1929 (Sttodard, Aimee Larson). This means that throughout the history in Europe, people in Europe discriminated against Jews by treating them as scapegoat.

Ⅲ Economic Reason
 Second reason for discrimination against Jews is related to economic viewpoint.  Jews are famous for richness. They created bank, invested a large sum of money in stock, and lend money to many European people. During this marketing, some Jews earn money by charging
interest. Unfortunately, it is against the principle of Catholicism(Sttodard, Aimee Larson). As another example that shows Jews’ economical power, Jews collected tolls from peasants instead of landowners because they were corrupted(Prager, Dennis and Telushkin, Joseph. 119-120). Although this evidence may not clearly show that Jews’ economical impact is directly related to anti-Semitism, it certainly gave European people enough chance to feel an antipathy to Jews.
Ⅳ Religious Reason
Another reason for discrimination against Jews is influenced by religious difference between Jews and other people in Europe(Lent, Timothy). According to Dennis and Joseph, there are three characteristic about Judaism hat may be responsible for discrimination(29-35,53-36). One is that Jewish people believe in Yahweh, which is considered to be only God in Judaism. This monotheism makes Jews deny believing in other gods of different religions. In other words, Jews’ belief in Yahweh makes it possible for them not to apotheosize Christ. Second feature of Judaism is their law. The law is so strict that it force them to be conscious of the existence of the god anytime and deny other gods. The third one is that they have been making their own nation, or Israel. Judaism ordains that Jews have to create their own ethnic nation. Without independent nation state, it would be difficult for them to maintain Judaism. Considering these characteristic, It is probably because Jews strongly believe in Judaism and deny gods of other religion that European people regard Jews danger to society.
Then, the next cause is a new theory about the discrimination as compared to above theories.

Ⅴ Interrelation between Jews and people in Europe
Certainly, these three possible reasons above have a lot to do with discrimination. They explain what historical framework leads people in Europe to persecute Jewish people.  It seems, however, that these causes only focus on past events and even Jews themselves. That means that Jews continue to be discriminated against even now just because they have strange traits as compared to people in Europe. It sounds unfair. In addition, although these causes may have given European people a good chance to discriminate against Jews, it is not reasonable that just because they have been rich or past scapegoat explains why the discrimination happens.  This is not enough when we consider why Jewish people are discriminated again even now. The cause for discrimination exists not only within Jews but also within people in Europe. In other words, there is an interrelation between Jews and People in Europe when it comes to the framework behind which the discrimination against Jews still exists. Just as people in Europe blame Jews for their discrimination, European people should also take responsibility for it. Both of them are to blame for the long lasting discrimination.
  Taking a look at this problem from other point of view, people in Europe discriminate against Jews now so that they can unite their own races more strongly. This means that each country tries to make the union of their nation much more stable by distinguishing them from Jews. Imura Yoko defines in her book Jewish people as ‘strangers living in the same community’(3). She says that, after Ottoman Empire started to decline in late sixteenth century, people started to pay attention to Jews, or strangers living in Europe(4-5). Therefore, although Ottoman threat to Europe made Europe united in terms of religion, discrimination against Jews makes it possible for European countries unify in terms of race. It is not too much to say that European countries discriminated against and even exclude Jews in order to create nation state. This way of thinking can be also applied to yje current situation about discrimination against Jews. As there has been much debate when
European countries should allow Turkey to join EU, it is safe to say that discriminating some alien group is not unusual in order to create strong coherence. Moreover, unlike this Turkey’s case, Jews have long had no nation and been scattered around Europe, it may be easier for people to discriminate against them so that they distinguish a certain nation’s people from Jews. Moreover, seeing from a psychological point of view, creating unity can cause the discrimination. According to Kosakai, in order to create ethnic unity, it is not enough that people in a community unite for themselves only within such community, but they also must distinguish themselves from those who are outside of community(40-41). By applying his idea to my topic, it can be said that people in Europe make psychological boundary between them and Jews through discrimination lasting from ancient times. From these reasons, people in Europe make use of Jews, so discrimination happens.
 In conclusion, there are many possible causes when it comes to discrimination against Jews
However, among them, both the unique characteristics of Jewish people and the attitude of European people are responsible for the discrimination. European people Long for unity as race by distinguishing Jews from themselves, while Jews protect their religious belief.  Considering from these possible four reasons I explained above, the first step is to establish a research institution which consist of non- European and non-Jews which may make a more objective and newer perspective toward this problem.


Works Cited Lists

Beestone, Richard"Hostile Reports on Israel Blamed for anti-Semitism rise." the Times 3 Dec.                 
      2003: 14. Web. 25 Oct. 2011.

Cowell, Alan. "London Mayor's Latest Statement on Israel Raise New Complant." The New York Times 5 Mar 2005: A3. 25 Oct. 2011.

Hamashimashotenhennshuuubu. Shishousekaishizusetsu[ illustrated Book for World History]. Nagoya: hamashimashoten, 2006. Print

Imura, Yukiko. Ikyouto kara Izinnshuhe he [Change from different pagan to different race]. Tokyo: Yushisha,2008. Print.

Kosakai, Kazuki. Minzoku to Iunano Kyokou [ a Fiction by the name of Race] . Tokyo Chikumashuppann, 2011. Print

Lent, Timothy. “Christianity and Anti-Semitism”. 15 Apr. 2011. Web. 11 Oct. 2011.

Prager, Dennis and Telushkin, Joseph. Why The Jews? The Reason For Antimitism.New York: Touchstone, 2003. Print.

Sttodard, Aimee Larson. “Why are Jews Persecuted- Jewish Discrimination”. 22 Mar. 2010. Web. 11 Oct. 2011.

Uchida, Tatsuru. Shikaban Yudayabunkaron [Private Edition, The Theory Of Jews]. Tokyo: Bungeishunnzyuu, 2006. Print.


Monday, November 7, 2011

Reaction to Shreeve

 As many scholar in the Shreeve article point out, the term race is so changeable depending on thinking of it from biological, cultural, or other point of view that the concept of definition of race is hard to understand. Among those different scholars' opinion, Shreeve quote the Smouse's idea that race depends what kind of  information you choose and racial difference mostly does not matter.

 It does make sense that which race we may belong to is influenced by what rule we obey or what kind of rule we choose. At that point, I agree with him. In my opinion, however, this article just tells us about there is no clear definition of race. When we apply his idea to the current situation, this article is not useful because it just summarize different scholar's opinion.   So, we have to consider for ourselves what to do in order to solve the racial problems like discrimination or immigrant caused by different points of view about race.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Reaction to Pecha Kucha 20×20

Mostly I did all I can do at that point. I spent adequate time in creating powerpoint and practicing presentation. Also, I thought about the structure of my presentation so that listeners can get across what I want to say easily.
On the other hand, comparing with other people's presentation, my presentation has some rooms for improvement. As some classmate pointed out in reaction sheets, I was not able to put emphasis on the main point because I could not use appropriate tone of voice nor enough eye contacts. Plus, My power point has less animation or good images as compared to Kuririn or Kai. then, when I make some presentation next time, I will pay attention to it.   

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

outline [not complete]

1 Research Question
 Why have Jews been discriminated against so much in Europe?

2 Thesis Statement
 the reasons why Jewish people were discriminated can be explained by
  A the difference Jews and most European people in religion
  B the fact that the Jews have been treated as scapegoat
  C the influence of Jews on economy in Europe

3, Introduction
  A  AG show some statistic date to make you know how horrible discrimination was
  B  BG the history of antisemitism in Europe
  C  thesis statement

4, body
  A  Jews are discriminated because of their religion
     a Jewdaism concept that they are chosen people are blamed by Westeners
     b some Christian believe that Jews killed Jesus Christ

  B  Jews were regard as scapegoat, or the Devil
     a  What is scapegoat
     b  in Middle Ages, Jews were considered to be responsible for Black Death.
     c  after World War 1, they are blamed for the Germany problems by Hitler.

  C  Jews has been s great impact on economy that are to be blamed for
     a  How Jews has a power on European like create a bank
     b  Jews lend a lot of money  and earn by charging interest, which is against Cathoric

5,  Conclusion
  It is quite difficult to choose only one cause for discrimination against Jews. Rather, it would be better to judge the reason for the discrimination from various perspective.

Monday, October 3, 2011


1, Research Question
 Why are there less discrimination against Jewish people in Japan as compared to western countries?

2, thesis statement 
 The reasons why Japanese people have not discriminated Jews so much can be explained by  
    A  the difference between Japan and western countries in religion
    B  scapegoat problem
    C  the influence of Jewish people on economy

3, Introduction 
 Jewish people have been discriminated on a large scale for such a long time such as Holocaust or Pogrom.  On the other hand, in Japan,  such a horrible did not 
   A  statistic date shows how many Jews were killed
   B  Sugiwara Chiune is one of the good examples of how Japanese people think of Jews.

4, Body1
   A  religious difference
   B  scapegoat 
       a Jewish people are regarded as the cause of Black Death
       b Adlf Hitler blames jews for Germany problems before World War 1
       c Japan treated Chinese or Korean people as scapegooat when Kanto daishinsai 
       occured  in 1923.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

About my essay

1,What is the issue you plan to research and write about?
  Racial Discrimination of Jewish People.  In Japan, is there discrimination against them?  If there really is, why does that discrimination happen? If there is not, what is the reason for it?

2, Why is the issue important? what is the significance?
 By comparing racial communication in foreign countries and Japan, I would learn about the framework behind which racial discrimination in Japan occurs. Plus, I would learn what it is like to be discriminated on a global scale for such a long time.

3, Why are you interested in? What's the connection to YOU?
 when I studied world history in high school, I was shocked at how Jewish have been discriminated in history like Israeli-Palestinian conflict or Holocaust. since then, I have been interested in the reason for it. Although it is true that there is domestic racial discrimination in Japan, I have not paid attention to it, so ,by studying it, I want to think about racial discrimination.

 1 What is racial discrimination of Jewish people all about?
 2 What made a lot of people discriminate them?
 3 How was that discrimination solved in history?
 4 Is there any discrimination against them in Japan?
 5 If there really is, why does that discrimination happen? If there is not, what is the reason for it?
 6 What is the characteristic of Japanese racial discrimination?
 7 What made Japanese people discriminate ?

5 Sources

 "A special fate: Chiune Sugihara, hero of the Holocaust"; by Gold,Alison Leslie
 "Jews in the Japanese mind; the history and uses of a cultural stereotype"; by David G .Goodman, Masanori Miyazawa

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I enjoyed reading Perception Of Self by Fisher more than the Six Stumbling Blocks. This is because it gave me a good idea of what is the characteristic of perception and what constitute perception. Although I have read and heard somewhere that people cannot see the world as it is but see the world in a biased way, Fisher tells me the structure of our perception more clearly.

I have found inferential perception the most instructive and interesting. As we watched the video in the class, even if a few letters are removed from the sentence, we still can understand what the sentence mean.  In other words, lack of information often lead us to inferential perception.

However, I think there is something else which make us infer the meaning of some object. I mean not only lack of detailed information cause inferential perception. we learned from last NP that we mistakenly read a sentence as it said that 長いものには巻かれろ, even though it actually said that 長いものにはは巻かれろ. In this case, there is no lack of letters but we still use inferential reasoning. that's probably because most Japanese people  have already known well the structure of the proverb. therefore, in my opinion, too much information or a kind of framework also force us to use inferential perception.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Reaction to Baner

   What kind of image do you have when you are asked what is the characteristic of Ibaraki? Mito-Koumon? Kashima-Antlers? From my experience after I graduated from high school and left Ibaraki, most people says "Ibaraki is famous for natoo. All the people from Ibaraki is a natoo-lover!" Whenever hearing of such a reply, I feel it is a kind of prejudiced images on Ibaraki.

 The stumbling block our group discussed was stereotype and preconception. Every member agrees that stereotype has always been with us anywhere, anytime even if we do not pay attention to it.  Moreover, in my opinion, even within the same country, people often have a biased image on other group of people. These kind of misunderstanding is mostly due to lack of knowledge, so the key to avoiding stereotyped thinking, which is also true of stereotype about foreign people, is to get enough knowledge about other group like history or language.

There is one more thing that I noticed about Baner. Although ,at first, it is convenient to study the six stumbling blocks separately, because one stumbling block can influence the other blocks, we also have to study how each stumbling block may be related with  each other. This would help us to protect our way of thinking from the six stumbling blocks.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Summer book report and reaction

I read “the Giver” by Lois Lowry because when I took a look at this book at the bookstore, I found it easy to read and got interested in the ending.
Jonas lives in the community where there are strict rules. Those rules prevent all the citizens from facing something dangerous. And if someone breaks them, he or she will be released to Elsewhere. Although Jonas enjoy life in such a community with his friend and family, suddenly, things change a lot after the Ceremony of December in which every twelve-year-old citizen is assigned their own job. While his friends get a normal job, he gets a special one, the next Receiver of Memory. The receiver has to inherit the memories of the whole world from the older previous Receiver in order to get wisdom and give advice to the committee of the community. He starts to receive memories, not only joyful ones but painful ones. As he receives the memories, he also gains a different perspective from other citizens’; he can tell what color is all about and access to true feelings that are strange to all the other members. At the same time, since he can not share his feelings with his friends or family, he begins to feel lonely and even become skeptical to both other people and the community itself. Besides, he gets frustrated because he cannot change the community for himself. At last he learns the secret of the release. Without being released from the community, those who have to be released are killed by lethal injection. Jonas is shocked at how the release is done and decides to leave the community with his family’s new child called Gabriel so that he can save him from the release.
What the most impressive theme is the balance between the freedom of choice and the security of the community. The community restricts so many choices people today would have. The citizens are not allowed to choose their own jobs and even to select their own mate. Instead of lack of choice, they live a secure life and do not have to experience pain as long as they follow the rules. On the other hand, Jonas acquires much wisdom and so gets many choices through the training of the Receiver of the Memories. However, just because he has the freedom of choice, it does not necessarily mean that he can make right judgment every time. This book makes me realize how difficult it is to choose only one from the freedom of choice and safety of the community.
Moreover, it seems to me that the theme I chose is like the battle between libertarianism and New liberalism. The community is the opposite of libertarianism and, in my opinion, is also a little bit different from New liberalism. It is based on a new concept about liberty in which much more emphases are placed on the group than on the individual. After reading the book, I found that it is true that it is not so good to put the individual first but thinking of the community as the most important is also dangerous. We should not choose either the individual or the community and think about how to connect two extreme sides.

Friday, September 9, 2011

1st assignment

 My summer was mostly good. I finished summer reading as soon as possible because I did not want assignment to disturb my precious summer vacation. After finishing it, I went back to my hometown and spend time with friends of mine. Plus, I went on a trip to U.K. via Thailand with my friends. Even though I was a ICU student, this is my first time that I have been abroad, so everything I heard and saw was new and interesting to me. Among them, Premier league was excellent!
 what was not good about my summer was that I was not able to travel to somewhere by bicycle because of bad weather. I felt all the unhappier  because I was really looking forward to it.

What I want to learn from this ARW is essay writing skill. Though I've found writing in English really interesting since i was at junior high school, writing in high school is quite different from that in university in terms of the length. Also, materials used in university deal with more academic topics. By making use of ARW, I want to be more persuasive writer.