Saturday, October 1, 2011

About my essay

1,What is the issue you plan to research and write about?
  Racial Discrimination of Jewish People.  In Japan, is there discrimination against them?  If there really is, why does that discrimination happen? If there is not, what is the reason for it?

2, Why is the issue important? what is the significance?
 By comparing racial communication in foreign countries and Japan, I would learn about the framework behind which racial discrimination in Japan occurs. Plus, I would learn what it is like to be discriminated on a global scale for such a long time.

3, Why are you interested in? What's the connection to YOU?
 when I studied world history in high school, I was shocked at how Jewish have been discriminated in history like Israeli-Palestinian conflict or Holocaust. since then, I have been interested in the reason for it. Although it is true that there is domestic racial discrimination in Japan, I have not paid attention to it, so ,by studying it, I want to think about racial discrimination.

 1 What is racial discrimination of Jewish people all about?
 2 What made a lot of people discriminate them?
 3 How was that discrimination solved in history?
 4 Is there any discrimination against them in Japan?
 5 If there really is, why does that discrimination happen? If there is not, what is the reason for it?
 6 What is the characteristic of Japanese racial discrimination?
 7 What made Japanese people discriminate ?

5 Sources

 "A special fate: Chiune Sugihara, hero of the Holocaust"; by Gold,Alison Leslie
 "Jews in the Japanese mind; the history and uses of a cultural stereotype"; by David G .Goodman, Masanori Miyazawa

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shoji,
    Nice topic! You seem to have many ideas, so good luck with finding your main focus and developing your outline!
