Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I enjoyed reading Perception Of Self by Fisher more than the Six Stumbling Blocks. This is because it gave me a good idea of what is the characteristic of perception and what constitute perception. Although I have read and heard somewhere that people cannot see the world as it is but see the world in a biased way, Fisher tells me the structure of our perception more clearly.

I have found inferential perception the most instructive and interesting. As we watched the video in the class, even if a few letters are removed from the sentence, we still can understand what the sentence mean.  In other words, lack of information often lead us to inferential perception.

However, I think there is something else which make us infer the meaning of some object. I mean not only lack of detailed information cause inferential perception. we learned from last NP that we mistakenly read a sentence as it said that 長いものには巻かれろ, even though it actually said that 長いものにはは巻かれろ. In this case, there is no lack of letters but we still use inferential reasoning. that's probably because most Japanese people  have already known well the structure of the proverb. therefore, in my opinion, too much information or a kind of framework also force us to use inferential perception.


  1. I also enjoyed reading Fisher's text. As you said in your blog, I also felt that inferential perception was interesting.

  2. I feel perception is interesting, too.
    I am interested in how we usually misunderstand.

  3. I admired that you mentioned about the NP lecture.
