Sunday, November 13, 2011

Last Post for ARW of fall term

ARW of this term was too fast as compared to that of Spring term and it was hard to make balance between ARW and other activity like ICU festival or other subjects. At the same time, ARW gave me a good opportunity to write up the long essay and even taught me how to manage myself in this busy schedule. Plus, after finishing tons of reading homework you assigned to us, though I sometimes did not finished it, especially in Race section, I become able to get the main point of articles without understanding all of it.

Thank you for everything you did to me, Mark!!! I find so many rooms for improvements in my essay even now, but your tutorial and advice in class always gave me a new perspective. Making use of what I learned from you, I will put my best into improving English skill in winter term, too!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shoji,

    Nice final ARW reflection! I am glad to hear that you learned many things including how to manage your schedule, how to read for the main points more quickly, and the process of essay writing.

    On this blog, you have written thoughtful summaries and reactions on all of the readings and left a record of the step by step process of your essay as well. Nice work!

    It was a busy term, but I hope you take many things from Autumn ARW forward to your future.

    Try to continue blogging like this and record your reactions to what you learn day to day!

